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2021 - Present

Creator of BlueHandCoding

BlueHandCoding is my TikTok account that I created in June of 2021. It currently boasts about 50,000 followers, 1 million likes, and 10 million views. I showcase all my programming projects and give advice on how people can learn how to code. I’ve engaged with people from every continent, and it has been an awesome experience getting to collaborate with new people.


Educator at is a streaming platform that encourages live teaching. I partnered with to teach free, live programming lessons to people all over the world. To date, I've created over 32 hours of educational content and developed my own rich curriculum to teach programming in a more comprehensive manner.

2022 - 2023

Replit Student Representative

As a member of Replit's first cohort, I helped organize community events and live streamed coding workshops on the official Replit YouTube channel. As a mentor in the second cohort, I managed community events and continued publishing workshops on my personal accounts which were publicized by Replit.

2023 - 2024

Wolfram Student Ambassador

Worked with the Wolfram suite of tools to create monthly community posts about how the tools could be utilized in create ways. Frequently collaborated with individuals to create content about the Wolfram Language.


SWE Intern @ United States Air Force

Developed management software used by Air Force labs for sample registration, tracking, and reporting and engineering teams for logistics and process control.
Made use of Entity Framework and Blazor to rewrite dated .NET codebase. Used SQL to manage database operations for customers and streamline integration.

2024 - Present

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Lightsey Research Group, working on Green Propulsion Dual Mode satellite flight software.


2019 - 2023

Strawberry Crest High School

Pursuing a diploma from the International Baccalaureate. 

Participated in student publication, Coding Club, FBLA, Speech and Debate, National Honor Society, and MUN.

2023 - Present

Georgia Institute of Technology

Pursuing a bachelor's in computer science.

Focus on System Architecture and Intelligence

4.0 GPA


2020 / 2021

Congressional App Challenge

Won in the 15th Congressional District for

Representatives Ross Spano and F. Scott Franklin

Crime Watch (2020) uses the Python3 programming language alongside PyQt5, Folium, and the Requests library to pull

crime statistics and display them on an interactive map

Py-iMessenger (2021) uses Applescript, Python3, and SQL to constantly pull messages from the iMessage

database and allows for developers to create “extensions” to respond to command messages


Samsung Solve for Tomorrow

National Winner for Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow annual challenge.

Created the HH Band which helps coaches monitor athlete body temperatures to minimize heat-related illnesses.

Lead programmer and circuit designer.

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